Tuesday, June 10, 2008

just keep it simple

And we've done it again.

When Noah was born we bought him all the bells and whistles any 4 month old could care less if they had - but as new parents, were convinced it would make him a genius. From interactive musical devices, to bouncers that would encourage muscle development, to the Baby Einstein DVD's which stimulates the child's brain. We spent hundreds of dollars on all kinds of things only to find that he usually cared more about the box it came in.

well - not one to make the same mistake twice... we waited a whole 2 extra months before we gave in and started buying all that stuff for Reagan. She's now 6 months old and has more "toys" than she even knows what to do with - but they are there to help her be a genius someday. The picture gives you an idea of the kinds of things that now clutter our home.


The problem being - each one only keeps her attention for about 10 minutes (if i'm lucky) or i have to sit with her and rattle or beep or ring whatever the toy is to help keep her entertained... this does not leave much time for getting things done around the house. (some of you may say... 'you could get things done while she's sleeping.' to that i say... 'are you high?' out of concern for her to be able to get a very sound sleep, it's important for me to stay extra quiet. the best way to do that is to sit with a bowl of ice cream and a good book. i'd rather be cleaning, but it's a sacrifice i make to help her sleep longer and better.)

So with these hundred of dollars worth of toys to help her young mind develop and her muscles just sitting in the corner, you can imagine my mixed feelings when i find her happy as can be with a 75 cent dental floss container.


For The Love


ashley said...

i'll let you have Chloe for a day(especially today) and that will keep Reagan entertained ALL DAY! Think of all the housework you will get done.

Carrie said...

Not to worry, I think that particular brand of dental floss actually costs $1.25...she's all about the good stuff. She's just going to keep on trying to find ways to suck that money right out of you.

Sara Walker said...

She is so pretty!! I am back in town, we'll have to catch up soon.

Alisha said...

Look at Reagan sit up! All on her own, what a big girl. We miss you guys but Eric enjoyed hanging out with you a couple of weeks ago.

Anna said...

What a serious cutie! That is very good of you to be willing to sacrifice like that.