I don't know if any of you can relate to this... in my house, as soon as i get on the phone it seems as though Noah has an instant need that he must discuss with me. no, no, it can't wait. It's vital that at 4:05 pm, while i'm on the phone, he finds out if he can read in his bed at bed time, or can he take lunch to school tomorrow, or he just needs to tell me that someday when he gets married he's going to have a dog. whatever the reason, it's important and absolutely cannot wait for me to get off the phone.
yesterday was no exception, although - he did take it one step farther.
I was on my cell phone with the cable company and Noah comes in the room....
noah: mom.
i ignore him as i talk on the phone.
noah: mom. (pause) mom. (pause) excuse me mom.
i give him the 'not while i'm on the phone' look.
noah: (using a loud whisper - as if that's any better) m-o-m.
me: (whispering) not now, i'll be off in just a sec. don't interrupt.
noah: (totally exasperated, but still whispering) uuuggghhh - mom, i need to talk to you.
At this point i turn away from him as i'm wrapping up the call. this takes a few seconds when my other line starts beeping. i thank the customer service guy for his help and quickly click over to the incoming call.
me: hello.
noah: excuse me, mom, can i have a cheese stick?
i turn around to see noah on our land line. yes, he had called my cell thinking that would be a more effective way interrupt.
thankfully, being the patient and calm mother that i am, i was able to explain to him the error of his ways with a minimal amount of bad words. 2, 3 tops.
Well, you did get him a cell phone. He's just putting those phone skills to good use.
That's so funny. He's one smart little cookie!
That's hilarious.
Smart kid and resourceful!
That kills me! You're a much more patient mom than I will ever be. He'd be sitting in a corner for hours! :)
Ha ha! That is CLASSIC! Smart kid.
That's seriously funny!
How can you get mad at a kid for that?? I am not sure even I would have thought of that!
Jacob and I laughed out loud at this funny deed! That just reminds me of the Noah we knew and loved in VA. :)
AWESOME. that is hilarious!!!
You bought a 7 year old a cell phone, you asked for it sister!
I love kids!! They can be just tooo funny. I sometimes forget to laugh at all of the things they do!
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