Wednesday, December 10, 2008

so soon?

The other day i was volunteering in noah's class. the teacher started the morning by telling the kids she had an announcement. she said that while it's great to have friends, even best friends, it is not ok to have a BFF club (for my mom - that's Best Friends Forever). Furthermore, it is not ok to have a club where you charge other kids to be in it.

apparently, there is a group of girls who started a BFF club and are charging other kids to be in it. seriously - i can't believe that's happening in first grade. but it's not just that, noah came home and told me that his friend was 'pissed off at him'. really? 'pissed off'?? how is he learning that so fast. i would never talk like that around him, and yet 5 months into first grade and he's learning all sorts of new things. i must admit, watching him grow up so fast terrifies me. where's my little boy who loved Thomas the Train and wanted to snuggle in the afternoons? i know he's only 6, but it feels like tomorrow he'll be 20 and i have such a short time to make sure he's ready.


as for Reagan... i blinked and she went from rolling to walking. Thankfully, all i have to worry about right now is teaching her what's socially acceptable and what's not.


easier said than done.


megan said...

I am peeing my pants right now.

Jaclyn said...

Noah looks so grown up! You are hilarious! It really is frightening to see how fast they grow! I can believe what a mean place the playground can really be.

Carrie said...

Oh how I love Reagan! As for Noah, maybe if you quit dressing him like John Travolta and and stop making him strike a pose he would stay little longer! Ok, maybe not, I think one of these days he's just going to break out like Saturday Night Fever and he'll never look back!

On a more serious note: First week of kindergarten Jane came home and said "So and so called me sexy Jane. What does sexy Jane mean?" I don't know I told her. Your dad would never call me that.

Sylvia said...

oh my gosh, LOVE the picture of the finger up the nose!!! ha ha ha! I have yet to get that on camera....don't know why, Aud's index finger's a regular guest up her nostril.

and i know exactly how you feel. It is so scary to let them leave your clutches and be exposed to the big scary world that teaches them words like 'pissed'!!! When they're 6!

Annalise said...

What's really scary is that the younger siblings pick things up even earlier from the older ones! Watch out for Reagan in kindergarten--nose picking will probably be a walk in the park then! (you know, just trying to be cheerful & all) ;)

Alicia said...

Classic! I've thought of turning around and Ben being gone on his mission...a little scary when he's five! Hey, at least he hasn't gotten the sex-ed yet.

Breezy said...

I love Reagan. I guess kids getting an education is all encompasing.

Sara Walker said...

You are so funny. What sweet kids. I love your blog, it always makes me laugh. I can't wait until you have your own column.