Friday, April 3, 2009

well that was gross

first - to grandma... i have a post with lots of pictures just for you, i only need to proof read it. i'll try to do it tomorrow.

ok... i just had to write about this because it was so disgusting and then kept getting worse. like a really bad movie. (**cough** twilight **cough**)

anyway - we're out to dinner with some friends and the sitter calls to tell me Reagan has thrown up. she seemed pretty upset about it (the sitter) so i told her i'd come home. i left everyone at the restaurant to finish their meal and i ran home to clean up the mess. Once home - Reagan seemed fine. happy, walking around - a little smelly from the throw-up - but overall not really bothered. i figured she must have eaten something that upset her... who knows. once i clean her up i ask the sitter to hang with noah while i run back to the restaurant to pick up aaron and our friends.

Once there, Reagan and I head inside. first, i stop at the register to get cash so i can pay the sitter. with cash in one hand, reagan in the other, i make my way through the restaurant. i'm passing a table of about 10 people when i hear the gurgling and look to see reagan beginning her first projectile... let me repeat, PROJECTILE, vomit. we're talking chunks of rice, chicken, beans and a whole slice of an orange, flying out of her mouth. time seemed to stand still as i see the splatter of throw-up, the shocked faces of the 10 kids (early 20's) who obviously have no children of their own, and back to reagan who has now begun her 2nd projectile vomit. this time Aaron and Gary have heard/seen the mess and are racing over to me, i'm still trying to catch what vomit i can in the hand with the money, while the table of people are watching in horror - seriously, horror - as more chunks are flying. thankfully, someone finally reacted and handed us some napkins. while aaron is wiping us down and Gary is getting more napkins, reagan proceeds to spew what's left in her stomach a third, Fourth and fifth time. one of those times landed on the back of a ladies North Face jacket, who promptly covered her mouth as she frantically swallowed back the bile that was threatening to come out.

for those of you wondering why i was just standing there while reagan is destroying the floor and what is left of anyones appetite: 1. i was trying to contain the damage to one area of the restaurant. 2. this all happened in about 20 seconds - not a lot of time to run... although i did briefly considering running to the salsa bar. 3. i figured it was a good experience for all those young couples even thinking about having children.

by now reagan seems to have stopped, so we take our leave and head home. i'm covered in throw-up, reagan's covered in throw-up and we're all trying to keep our dinner down as we try not breathing threw our noses. once home, aaron starts a bath and i'm literally rinsing off the babysitters money. she watches me flick some rice of the bills as i'm rinsing them, and offers to not be paid at all. i assure her the money will dry and will be just fine. aaron takes her home and i strip reagan down for her bath. when aaron gets back, i go to get pj's while he plays her songs on his guitar. (she loves splashing in the water while aaron plays for her). it's not long before I hear aaron yelling for me. i come out in the hallway to see aaron holding a naked crying girl - apparently, now that her stomach is empty all that's left is diarrhea. yup, the bath is now full of poop. seriously, how many smelly, disgusting things can come out of one adorable little girl?

needless to say, after a quick shower, two more runny diapers and lots of cuddling and rocking she seems to be over the worse of it. i'm not sure i can say the same for the sitter or the people at the restaurant. as for me... i'm going to go finish cloroxing the tub and disinfecting every toy in the house.

ahhh, the joys of parenthood.


Breezy said...

I shouldn't be laughing but since I had a similar afternoon I can share in the "thank goodness it's over laugh". I don't know what they got into I've played back the day 10 times but oh well. Greyson was sick until Ben got home then of course he seemed fine. He tried to tell me "brownies would make his tummy feel better", Ben was about to cave! I said don't you dare! He was exhausted after no nap and went to bed easily but I've been up checking on him to make sure he is ok. What an adventure - thanks again for the tips on dealing with a child who's throwing up. I panicked, what an unpleasant part of parenthood and you feel so bad for the kid.

Carrie said...

So for once I'm glad I don't live by you and Breezy and I'm glad for Idaho. I may never say that again, but right now it seems quite a blessing to be a state away! But now I will take a moment and offer my sincerest wishes for a better day tomorrow. And I'm laughing because I clearly remember Jane and Luke vomiting at the same time throughout Hollywood Video and then there was Rotavirus with two kids and it lasted for 10 days each...but staggered by a couple of days. I think it was three weeks before I left the house. And the list goes on. But, although I'm laughing, I'm feeling for you!

megan said...

I am really hoping that it's our neighbor Gary that was there with you. I don't know why, but the idea of him chasing after throw up in a restaurant really cracks me up.
Poor, poor, Reagie

Talai said...

I'm so sorry, for all of you. Owen hasn't been sick like that yet, but I know my day will come. Until then, I guess I should be thankful he only gets colds (like once a month.)

Sara Walker said...

Ok you have me in stitches! I broke out laughing this time at: "... let me repeat, PROJECTILE, vomit. we're talking chunks of rice, chicken, beans and a whole slice of an orange, flying out of her mouth."
And again at: "i'm literally rinsing off the babysitters money. she watches me flick some rice of the bills as i'm rinsing them, and offers to not be paid at all. i assure her the money will dry and will be just fine.
I'm so sorry, but it does make for a good post!