Saturday, April 24, 2010


do you remember the first time you ever watched your child try to do a push-up? it's mostly some butt wiggling, maybe a few head nods and some grunting. it's my favorite thing to watch. Noah had perfected the butt wiggling and head nodding until we were at my brother's house and he watched his cousin (same age) throw down 15 regular push-ups and 15 one-handed push-ups in perfect form. that kid's upper body strength is ridiculous. After watching him, i figured a decent parent would help their child figure out a real push-up. Thankfully, my brother got home to help. there's something about having a guy teach you the mechanics of a "real" push-up then having your mom show you. (not a pretty sight)

after a week of practicing, Noah has finally gotten it down. he may only be able to do 3 or 4, but they're vastly improved from where he started. here's the video he made to show his Uncle Hiatt...

when we finished the video, i looked over and reagan is trying to do one...

these kids crack me up.


Wade said...

Noah- Those are some of the best push-ups I've ever seen!

Lees Everything Homemade said...
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Lees Everything Homemade said...

Very cute! Good job Noah...You are officially a man-pusher-uper. Reagan, you've got some work to do, but for the most part you've got it down. The form doesn't change much for girls. Wiggle your butt and try to look as cute as possible while performing the exercise. That's what girls do best!